Tracking Orders and Returns

When an order is delivered, we’ll automatically send you an email where you can check your order details and also report an issue.
We will also ask you to rate us - please show your support and kind rating so that we can support each other as Monk Mode Athletes.
If there is an issue with your order, in the case of damaged product or manufacturing error, you can report it directly to our Support Team and request a free reprint or refund. This must be reported within 30 days of product delivery to receive a free reprint or refund. Please also send your photos and evidence to us, so we can investigate this. The email address to contact is through our head office at
Please note: If the order shipping details were incorrect, or if you ordered the wrong size or color, Monk Mode Gym Ltd will not be held responsible and will not offer replacements or refunds. You are responsible for entering the correct information.